• 8 years ago
Reach in and touch your inner Obelix. That's what Tim Pilbeam is doing, stalking wild boar in France. Of course he uses a rifle, not magic potion, but the effects are the same on the boar. Meanwhile, there's the first in our series The Beating Line, about what beaters do, following three generations on the same shoot. News and Hunting YouTube completes this episode of #FieldsportsBritain

Here are the links:

To hunting with JP and Desiree, visit http://www.wildboar-hunting-france.com
Contact Tim Pilbeam at tim@rucksackandrifle.co.uk
For more about Steyr's rifles, go to https://www.steyr-mannlicher.com
For the Zeiss binos Tim is using, go to http://bit.ly/zeiss-victory-ht-8x42
For Harkila, visit http://www.harkila.com

Seeland http://www.seeland.com
Skinners http://www.skinnerspetfoods.co.uk
To go shooting with Paul Childerley, visit http://www.childerleysporting.co.uk

News is sponsored by Percussion http://www.percussion-europe.com
Bentley launches shooting vehicle
BBC puts out pro-hunting article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/I_love_animals_but_I_kill_them_too_hunting_alaskan_style
Clothing survey http://bit.ly/huntingclothingsurvey
YouTuber poses nude for PETA
8,000-year-old hunting dog engraving
Hunters loses deer to bear https://www.facebook.com/john.wardynski/videos/1501198783332881/
For a full news round-up, go to http://www.fieldsportschannel.tv/category/fieldsportsnews

Here are the films in Hunting YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3KxM9c3T7K8UE0y8HfkuDPgOrf-vFG3f

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