• 8 years ago
Do you smack, correct or punish a gundog when you are training it? Do you train only with rewards and treats? Is a working dog like a gundog a different proposition to a pet dog?

Opinion is divided - and nowhere more sharply divided than over the actions of Christopher Upton, a gundog trainer from Cornwall, who runs Corleone Gundogs. He maintains his methods work and are honest. Others say he is too harsh. He has been the subject of an online campaign that garnered 240,000 signatures against him. But many agree with his methods.

We present both sides of the story.

For Christopher Upton's videos, visit https://www.youtube.com/user/corleonegundogs
That angry phone call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieCvNibzM8Y
Online petition (archived): https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/65125

This item appears on YouTube in Fieldsports Britain, episode 380 http://bit.ly/fieldsportsbritain380

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