• 5 years ago
SHOTTA performs the song "SON FLOWS" for BalconyTV.
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Què passa si unim el flow i la poesia? Que obtenim com a resultat "Flowesía" (Boa Música, 2014) o el que és el mateix, el darrer disc de Shotta; tot un referent del MC a Espanya a qui avalen quatre treballs en solitari i una legió de fans. El ritme i la paraula són les principals armes d'aquest sevillà que encavalca versos sense aturador i sense tallar-se un pèl quan toca posar-se dur amb qui sigui. Millor estigueu-hi a bones.

What happens if we put flow and poetry together? That we get as a result "Flowetry" or, what is the same "Flowesía" (Boa Música, 2014), the last album by Shotta a major figure of MC in Spain, supported by four solo studio works and an army of fans. Ryhtm and word are the main weapons of this guy from Sevilia (South Spain) who chains verses without stopping and without being shy when he has to be togh to someone. Better get on with him!


Production and Direction: clicksound
Presenter: Marta Terrasa
Script: Míriam Cano
Sound: Guiu Llusà
Sound Production: Jonbi Belategi
Audio post production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound
Styling: Ura Garcia Panyella
Photographer: Martina Matencio
Original initiative by Ruben Ginestós & Maria Blay

Sound & Lights: TST So i llums (http://www.tstsoillums.com)
Wear: Hackney // Streetwear & Sneakers (http://www.hackneyshop.com)
Video material support: Mas que Video Profesional (http://www.masquevideo.com)
Catering: Bernie's Diner, Grill & Bar (http://www.berniesdiner.com)

Curtcircuit (http://www.curtcircuit.com)
Ultra-Local Records (http://www.ultralocalrecords.com)

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