• 8 years ago
Tim Pilbeam is in Argentina after lamb-killers. But these are not foxes or coyotes. These are wild boar. The pigs released in South America have developed a taste for lamb, and the only way to control them in the thick brush is to ride after them with horses and dogs, and shoot them at close range.

To go hunting axis deer + doves, water buffalo and wild boar, contact Tim Pilbeam tim@rucksackandrifle.co.uk
For more about Steyr's rifles, go to https://www.steyr-mannlicher.com
For Harkila, visit http://www.harkila.com
Zeiss is at http://www.zeiss.com

This item appears on YouTube in Fieldsports Britain, episode 404 http://bit.ly/fieldsportsbritain404

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