Woman uses strange Cristiano Ronaldo mouth fitness device in public

  • 7 years ago
A woman leaves onlookers baffled after she uses a bizarre facial exercise toy - once promoted by Cristiano Ronaldo - while waiting for the bus.

The commuter in a black skirt and red top was standing on the busy roadside while performing the odd fitness routine in Bangkok, Thailand.

Video from onlooker Kamonchanok Srisawat shows the woman with her mouth wrapped around the Japanese propeller-like instrument as she nods her head up and down.

Confused passers-by exchange bemused glances with each other before she calmly strolled onto a bus earlier this year on August 19.

Kamonchanok, 24, said: ‘’This happened next to the Victory Monument in Bangkok which is a very busy place.

‘’There were a lot of people around and they were all watching her, nobody knew what she was doing.

‘’These toys are for exercising the face to keep it looking healthy and young. She’s brave to use it in public.''

The strange propeller mouth toning device was once promoted by Cristiano Ronaldo. The footballer was shot in a bizarre commercial showing off one of them.