• 8 years ago
Wv'e used store bought toners for many years, and they can be expensive. My favorite was clinque. The more I learn about natural skin care and budgeting lol I like to find products that are safer for my skin and easy on my wallet. These 4 All Natural DIY Organic Facial Toners are very easy to make and each of them only require 1 ingredient and water! Our first natural toner, witch hazel, is good for oily, irritated, red, damaged, blemished, or inflamed skin. The second organic toner, lemon water toner, can help fad post-acne marks and brown spots overtime due to the citric acid. Our third DIY toner, chamomile tea, is good to help soothe inflammation and clear up pores. Finally, our last toner, green tea, is rich in antioxidants that shrink puffiness and soothe inflammation too! Try one, try them all. See which one you like best. Leave a comment below and tell me! xoxo
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