dag 12: Quadra Island 15/08/17

  • 7 jaar geleden
This clip is a member of the playlist Canada.
The clips in this playlist give a day per day description of a trip around in Canada in 2017. Other travel around trips are shown on our site: http://sites.google.com/site/rolandmarianne or on site: http://users.skynet.be/rolandvanleeuwen .
00:12zicht vanuit kamer Tsa Kwa Luten Lodge
00:17Cape Mudge vuurtoren
00:23wandeling Cape Mudge
00:44bald eagle - witkopzeearend
00:58bald eagle
01:09totem en woning te Nuyumbalees
01:19totem palen te Nuyumbalees
01:30Visitor Centre te Nuyumbalees
01:56wandeling omgeving Rebecca Spit
02:432 walvissen bij Rebecca Spit
02:57picknick lunch
03:10voorbereiding zeekajaktocht
03:43Breton Islands
04:13een onderbreking tijdens de kajaktocht
04:57wandeling omgeving hotel
