RT Brings Its Russian Perspective to France


by RisingWorld

RT Brings Its Russian Perspective to France
Daniel Schneidermann wrote that A day after the interview of the French head of state
by the French state television, TV Macron has no lesson to give to TV Putin,
At a joint news conference with Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, in May, President Emmanuel Macron of France dubbed the network
and internet news agency Sputnik as "organs of influence and deceitful propaganda," and accused their journalists of spreading "defamatory untruths." Please verify you’re not a robot by clicking the box.
A second operator will host the channel by the end of February, while the two others, SFR and Orange, are still in negotiations with the network Executives of RT want to tap into a growing audience in France, where it launched a website in 2015
that last year grew faster than any of RT’s six foreign-language sites, a spokesman for the network said in March.
Xenia Fedorova called that D
On Twitter, a Paris correspondent for the Reuters agency called it "deferential journalism at its worst," echoing a widespread feeling here
that the mainstream media have been too complacent toward Mr. Macron, a young and media-savvy president whom critics call the "president of the rich" and who has openly argued that a powerful presidency is needed to revive French greatness.