Male rub-on contraceptive goes into human trials

  • 7 years ago
ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND — Government researchers in the U.S. are getting ready to test a topical contraceptive gel designed to lower sperm production.

The clinical trial will begin in April and run for around four years, and will be the largest study conducted to test a hormonal form of male birth control, MIT Technology Review reported.

Researchers at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development are working on a hormonal gel that reduces sperm count when applied to the skin.
The gel contains two synthetic hormones — nestorone and testosterone.

The nestorone blocks the testes from making enough testosterone to produce normal levels of sperm.

The synthetic testosterone is needed to prevent hormonal imbalance caused by the nestorone.
More than 400 couples in the U.S., the U.K., Italy, Sweden, Chile and Kenya will participate in the clinical trial.

Couples will use the treatment for over four months while their sperm levels are checked.
Men in the study will take home a bottle of the gel and rub around half a teaspoon of it on their upper arms or shoulders every day. The gel takes about a minute to dry.
According to researchers, the gel can lower sperm count for about 72 hours.
