Did Jesus - Essa PBUH claim to be God?

  • 7 years ago
Did Jesus / Essa (PBUH) claim to be God?
God is asking Jesus, listen to his reply!

Prophecies of Jesus (PBUH) about his life and death

The life and death of Jesus (PBUH) is subject to the greatest amount of conjecture, misrepresentations and false attributions among all the prophets mentioned in the Quran. In order to clarify and purify his personality from all the falsehoods attributed to him, this lecture presents the prophecies of Jesus (PBUH) in his own words and clarification from God AlMighty Himself to raise his personality for the benefit of those seeking the truth about Jesus the Son of Mary (PBUH). This lecture was presented by Mohammad Shaikh during his visit to North America in 2013 to a mixed audience comprised of local Christians, Ahmedi / Qadiani Muslims, and traditionalist Muslims all of whom have their own respective concepts in relation to life and death of Jesus (PBUH), and which are all in contradictions to what is written in the Quran. An enlightening lecture and equally enlightening question and answer session that followed after the lecture
If you have any question or need clarification on publicly delivered lectures by Mohammad Shaikh please do not hesitate to contact us through the fan page or email us: info@iipccanada.com