Kim Kardashian's Home is Now Worth $60,000,000

  • 7 years ago
It seems every couple of weeks we’re hearing about how Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are laughing their way to the bank.

And this week is no different.

A lot has been made about the couple’s Hidden Hills home that they bought 3 years ago. They’ve made extensive renovations and the upgrades have put back their move in dates by years.

Well, the famous couple gets the last laugh now.

Reports now claim that after spending $20 million on the place, the market value has soared and the home is now worth upwards of $60 million!

So yeah, talk about a good investment.

The house features a music studio, abundant closet space, 16,000 square feet, a full size theatre, a two story play room for the kids, a basketball court, hair salon, full spa, a gym, 8 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms.

Will all those amenities, though… they’ll probably never sell it.
