• il y a 7 ans
Interview de Laura Durand, project-manager, Convergence 93 (réseau de missions locales), à l'occasion de sa participation à l'atelier Développer son employabilité grâce aux réseaux sociaux, conçu et animé par la Cité des métiers à la mission locale de Villemomble, Gagny et Pavillon sous Bois, le 26 juillet 2017, dans le cadre du projet Net-me In.Transcription de la vidéo (traduction anglaise ) :Journalist:Hello, Laura. Welcome to La Mission Locale covering the Paris suburbs Villemomble, Gagny and Pavillon-sous-Bois, partnered by the Paris Cité des Métiers and Moovjee.
Laura: Hello. I’m Laura Durand, I’m an apprenticeship developer for this district. I work for the Convergences 93 Mission Locale network.
Journalist: So what’s a social network for you?
Laura:A way of meeting virtually for pleasure or business.
Journalist:And how do you use social networks?
Laura:Professionally, we don’t yet use them much because we don’t really know how to. We’re a bit unsure of our target audience: how, why, when… Social networks take a lot of management if they’re to be effective. You have to use them frequently, even all day live, but for now, we’re not organised like that.
Journalist:Personally, how do you use them?
Laura:I use Facebook and sometimes Instagram. For work, I love LinkedIn. I have a page I increasingly use for HR contact, because I manage block-release training so it could be useful to form a corporate network to develop apprenticeships for young people.
Journalist: Do you think social networks help to create a digital identity?
Laura:Of course! The more you go on networks, the more you develop your identity and make it stronger. You have to be careful with your content. Employers look for photos and want to know about experience. That can cut both ways. It’s an identity, but you have to stay in control.
Journalist:So what are the dangers of social networks?
Laura:Looking like something you’re not. Young people sometimes party and play the fool. That can affect your career. What goes up on the Net st


