10 of the World Largest Snakes

  • 7 лет назад
From the frightening Indian Taipan to the king of snakes, the Anaconda, here are 10 Of The Worlds Largest Snakes. \r
Subscribe to Talltanic 5.Indian Taipan \r
The Indian Taipan or as it is sometimes called “the Fierce snake”, can be found in semi-arid regions of Australia where it was first discovered in 1879. They can reach lengths of up to eight and a half feet. An Indian Taipan has the ability to change the color of its skin to fit the seasonal changes, lighter during the hot summer months and darker for the colder winter months. When compared drop for drop the Indian Taipans venom is the most deadly of all the snake species. Their venom contains a very potent neurotoxin. One bite from this slender snake can cause paralysis, respiratory failure, haemorrhaging, renal failure, allergic reions and eventually death. A single bite can carry enough venom to kill 100 adults or just you in about 45 minutes. Most of the bites from Indian Taipans come from captive or pet Taipans. Bites are usually the result from the improper handling of the snakes.\r
4.Scrub Python\r
Known as one of the largest non-venomous snakes on the planet, the Scrub Python can reach up to twenty eight feet long and weigh over 100 pounds. Females can lay roughly twenty eggs which she will incubate for up to two months. She will coil around her eggs and shiver to generate the heat needed to incubate her children. Young Scrub Pythons will spend most of their adolescent lives in trees hanging out on branches waiting for food. Hunting mainly at night this opportune feeder will wait patiently by a creek or river bed for dinner to come within striking range. Using heat sensor located above his mouth the Scrub Python is able to sense the infrared thermal radiation of its victim as it drinks unknowingly from the creek. . The Scrub Python will gorge itself on a variety of Australian wildlife. It has been known to devour anything from frogs and birds to the occasional wallaby and kangaroo. \r
3.African Rock Python \r
Found living in the grasslands and savannas of Africa the African Rock Python is the largest species of snake living in that country. There have been reports of this snake reaching upwards of 20 feet in length and weighing in at almost 200 pounds. With their enormous body size they are about to swallow large prey whole. Although their diet mainly consists of large rodents, monkeys and antelope, they have been found with animals as big as the mighty Nile crocodile in their stomachs. A single female can lay up to 100 elongated hard shelled eggs at a time. She will stay with her eggs until they hatch, protecting them from hungry egg eaters. She will even remain with her hatchlings until they reach about two weeks, which is not a commonfor snakes to do. Hatchlings come with the same patterns and colors as the adults. They emerge from their eggs just under 25 inches and can live to be over 12 in captivity. \r
2. Reticulated Python\r
The Reticulated Python is a massive predator that can reach weights of up to 165 pounds and grow to over 20 feet long. Like most snakes the female Reticulated Python is larger than the male and capable of producing a clutch of 80 eggs at a time. They can be found in the jungles of South Asia, Australia, the Philippines and in homes across the planet. The pet trade has made these beautiful giants a staple in reptile pet stores everywhere. People keep these gigantic reptiles in their bedrooms and living rooms. The size of the snake in captivity relies heavily on enclosure size and diet. The Reticulated Python is able to take down prey that weigh as much as it does or more. The beautiful patterns and colors of this snake assist in its camouflage as it waits for food by the waters edge. Although large and bulky on land the Reticulated Python is a powerful and graceful swimmer. \r
1. The Anaconda\r
The anaconda is a fierce predator that spends most of its time in and around the murky waters of the South American rainforests. Often concealing its massive body under water, it will lie and wait for large prey like deer or capybaras to come in close to the waters edge for a drink. Being one of the largest snakes on the planet, the Anaconda is slow moving on land but can move effortlessly through the water. Their scientific name means “good swimmer.” the Anaconda will strike with lightning speed from the water, incapacitating large prey with his curved teeth and immense body mass. This apex predator can reach lengths of over 17 feet and weigh over 200 pounds. Due to the remote location of this giants habitat it is difficult to capture large specimens for study. Several estimates and second hand encounters are reported each year of snakes reaching lengths of 50 feet or more, but none of these accounts
