Not Another Relapse_! (Depression)

  • 7 years ago
This video is for educational purposes only.

Hey folks, this video is about an interesting situation that happens when you're getting out of depression: relapse. Please note the relapses I'm referencing are mainly concerning those you get after months of being in therapy. This video is about grounding yourself and taking a step back to deal with depression relapses. The truth is you already have developed a few coping skills alongside some positive self talk, now is the time to use it. It can be very daunting when relapses happen. They're scary because not only are they a setback, but they can make you feel like you're sinking back into depression. They also create an illusion that you have not improved at all, but that's not true. Ground yourself, and be mindful. Try to make sure your self talk is positive, and don't go back into negative habits. Every small step is significant, because you are always a little better and those add up.
Realize your frustrated at this relapse since you came such a long way to treating depression, and that is causing you to have unstable emotions. Sometimes a relapse is instigated by an event, and other times its from the feeling that nothing is changing and you are no longer growing. During this time it's important to remember all of the obstacles you have overcome to get this far. Sometimes there are periods where you are not going anywhere, but that doesn't mean you should ignore all of your past growth. Be kind to yourself and patient. Recognize all of your achievements, you can do this!

Please note: I am not a professional, if you need advice please consult with one.
