Arduino Robot Project: A DIY obstacle avoiding robot using an SG90 servo from

  • 6 years ago
In this Arduino project video, we are going to build an Arduino Robot that can avoid obstacles. It is a fun project and a great learning experience, so without any further delay, lets get started!\r
The robot that we are going to build today is moving around and it can detect obstacles and avoid them. It uses a supersonic distance sensor to measure the distance from its front side. When it detects an obstacle, it stops, goes backward for a few cms, looks around and then it turns to the direction with the more space available. As you are going to find out, building this impressive little robot is extremely easy and fun. It will not take you more than a couple of hours from start to finish. Then you can use my code, modify it and implement your own robot behavior easily. It is a great learning experience and a great introduction to robotics for kids and adults. Lets build it!\r
Robot Chassis Kit: \r
Arduino Uno: \r
Motor Shield: \r
SG90 Servo: \r
Ultrasonic Sensor: \r
Switch: \r
100nf Capacitors: \r
300μF Capacitors: \r
Wires: \r
Eneloop Batteries: \r
Full disclosure: All of the links above are affiliate links. I get a small percentage of each sale they generate. Thank you for your support!\r
The code uses three libraries. Two of them must be downloaded in order the program to compile. The first one is the motor shield driver from Adafruit. The second library is the NewPing library for the supersonic distance sensor. \r
Motor Shield Library: \r
New Ping Library: \r
As you can see building a robot with Arduino is very easy. By building this project you will understand better the Arduino board and it capabilities. You will learn how to control motors and how to program them. This robot is going to be the base for many more robot projects to come. We can add an NRF24L01 module to it to wirelessly control it and get telemetry data from it. We can add sound, lights, more sensors, and better batteries. There are a ton of improvements to be made. Thats why I would love to hear your opinion on this. What kind of features do you want to add to this simple robot? Please post your ideas in the comments section below. Thanks!\r
FACT OR FICTION 2018 Quiz Game\r
You can download my latest Android Game which is called F or Fiction 2018 here: \r


