• 6 years ago
Hello Friends, Fans n Fiends,
Space punk phantasm song - cinema-delic video. “Rosie Red Lips.”
Featuring Sparky Lynne Newcomer as Rosie Red Lips.
Intro song: Calling of the Clan start time: 00:00
Jakobs computer log in Diary start time: 1:15
ROSIE RED LIPS SONG start time: 3:01
FREE SONG DOWNLOaD. Click to Get. http://jamen.do/t/1512105
FREE SONG USE Creative Commons License. Non-Commercial or Commercial use.

Jakobs log 78UyT99 Rosie Red Lips Psycho Drama.
Nellie Noll, The River Witch Of Marietta who has traveled the reincarnation route to this current timeline, has teamed up with the family organization, the notorious, Martian Werewolf Trancer Clan.
The Clan has joined forces with the Reptilian Vampire Dracs,
and the NWO, the New World Order.
The blood drinking Reptilian Vampire Dracs from the 9th Draco Sector
living in underground tunnels in Hex County, has secretly infiltrated the White House and the Russian Federation.
They are in control.
The NWO one percent bloodline elites will be holding their yearly,
Satanic Ritual abuse ceremonies at Bohemian Grove, among the redwood forests in Northern California.
Meeting with the Vampire Dracs to discuss this taking of control, and to participate in the ancient human blood drinking rituals of the Dracs.
Meeting there with the Blood Drinking Dracs will be
Nellie Noll. Nellie drinks human blood in these rituals. The Clan and Vampire Dracs
have given her the nickname, “ Rosie Red Lips. ” She loves blood drinking.
The Blood Moon Clan Music Minstrel Guild thinks Nellie, is under
Reptilian Permafrost Mind Control. Jakob Lemy Zook, the amish exorcism minstrel,
a supernatural music gear is summoned to
confront Nellie, Rosie Red Lips, with a sonic wave guitar exorcism
to try and break the trance. Nellie used to be a Supernatural music gear for the
Guild. They Minstrel Elders want Nellie to come back to the Guild.
Marshmellow angel popsicle
She’s half woman half alligator
got rosy red lips from
a blood stained popsicle stick

Marshmellow angel popsicle
Porno Drac Vampires
at a funeral pyre
with flaming rosy red lips on fire

I just cant’t believe the river witch (the girl?) I knew
Can’t believe that’s it’s true
Got a marshmellow angel popsicle
Draco candy made of Cherry stew

Marshmellow angel popsicle
She’s Half Woman Half alligator
Drinks at the blood bank bar
red licorice in a jar

Marshmellow angel popsicle
in Pornovania
in a trance of love
for that rosy rosy rosy rosy rosy red blood

I just can’t believe the river witch I knew
Can’t believe that’s it’s true
Got a Marshmellow angel popsicle
Draco candy made of Cherry stew

FREE SONG DOWNLOaD. Click to Get. http://jamen.do/t/1512105
FREE SONG USE Creative Commons License. Non-Commercial or Commercial use.
attribution required. Please reference
Lenny Wiles Lionstar http://www.supernaturalgears.org
Visit main Supernatural Gears Music Video Site

blood drinking reptilians, new world


