Violence Shakes Myanmar’s Rakhine State During Ethnic Rally

  • 6 years ago
Violence Shakes Myanmar’s Rakhine State During Ethnic Rally
"And they just push Rakhine people around as their slaves." Ethnic Rakhine Buddhists have also been angered by an announcement by the Myanmar government
that it will accept back a limited number of Rohingya Muslim refugees who have fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar in recent months.
More than 655,000 Rohingya have fled western Myanmar since August, when an attack on police posts by Rohingya insurgents catalyzed a brutal campaign of rape, murder
and arson by Myanmar’s army and associated ethnic Rakhine vigilantes.
Most of the dead were Rohingya, and many of the Rohingya remain in internment camps set up by Myanmar’s government,
while ethnic Rakhine affected by the 2012 violence were long ago allowed to integrate back into society.
"But my brother is just a writer who also loves charity work." Dr. Aye Maung noted
that his position in Parliament could give him immunity from any charges, but nevertheless called the legal action "hitting with an ax instead of with a pin." In his earlier speech, Dr. Aye Maung had made his feelings known about the ethnic Bamar, who make up Myanmar’s majority, including its civilian and military leadership.
17, 2018
HONG KONG — Violence has again convulsed the western state of Rakhine in Myanmar, the same region where the
United Nations has accused the country’s authorities of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya minority.
For years before the Rohingya crisis exploded, Myanmar’s military battled the
Arakan Army, a guerrilla group fighting for the rights of ethnic Rakhine.