• 7 years ago
In this video, I covered “Learning to Fly” by Tom Petty.

I grew up in a strict religious sect and was not permitted to listen to secular (non-Christian) music. After being pushed from the church due to some family issues, I rebelled and enjoyed listening to local rock radio. In rural Pennsylvania, the playlist was not long and I can’t remember anything that played except for “It’s Good to Be King” by Tom Petty. Later, I remember watching “Mary Jane’s Last Dance” on MTV when we were finally allowed to have television at my grandparent’s home. Needless to say, this sparked a new world for me just as I was first learning to play guitar.

12-string guitar is a Carlo Robelli. The Red Fender Stratocaster is a copy of David Gilmour’s classic “Red Strat” with EMG DG-20 pickups. The Black Fender Stratocaster is a copy of David Gilmour’s famous “Black Strat” with double-wound Seymour Duncan pickups. All effects – both guitar and vocal effects – were created using Amplitube 4 and Steinberg Cubase.

Twitter: twitter.com/CBianchiMusic
Website: chrisbianchimusic.com


