Trump Hands Out ‘Fake News Awards,’ Sans the Red Carpet

  • 6 years ago
Trump Hands Out ‘Fake News Awards,’ Sans the Red Carpet
The first item on the list referred not to a news article but to a short opinion piece posted on The Times’s website at 12:42 on the night Mr. Trump became president: “’ Paul Krugman claimed on the day of President Trump’s historic, landslide victory
that the economy will ‘never’ recover,” the entry read.
In two subsequent tweets on Wednesday night, Mr. Trump added
that there were “many great reporters I respect” and defended his administration’s record in the face of “a very biased media.”
The technical anticlimax seemed a fitting end to a peculiar saga that began in November when Mr. Trump floated the bestowing of a “FAKE NEWS TROPHY.”
From the beginning, the awards were the sort of Trumpian production that seemed easy to mock but difficult to ignore.
Headlined “The Highly Anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards”
and attributed to “Team GOP,” it included a list of Trump administration accomplishments and jabs at news organizations presented in the form of an 11-point list.
At the time of Mr. Ross’s suspension, Kathleen Culver, the director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said
that the president was likely to use the mistake as ammunition against his political opponents — an observation that seemed borne out by the “Fake News Awards.”
In fact, the email to the younger Mr. Trump was sent a day after the documents, stolen
from the Democratic National Committee, were made available to the general public.
WASHINGTON — President Trump — who gleefully questioned President Barack Obama’s birthplace for years without evidence, long insisted on the guilt of the Central Park Five despite exonerating proof and claimed
that millions of illegal ballots cost him the popular vote in 2016 — wanted to have a word with the American public about accuracy in reporting.


