The Koreas are going to march under one flag at Winter Olympics

  • 6 years ago
PYEONGCHANG, SOUTH KOREA — One of the coolest things about the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang this February is the sudden thawing of tensions between South and North Korea.

The two countries dropped a bomb, announcing they'll march under one flag at the opening ceremony.

The plan is to also field a joint women's hockey team.

And as a bibim-bonus, the North is also throwing in its 230-member all-female cheerleading squad.

Pyongyang may send up to 500 athletes, cheerleaders, musicians, officials and reporters across the demilitarized zone.

North and South Korean skiers will train together at a resort in North Korea before the games.

It remains to be seen if the goodwill during the games will continue after the Olympics, but knowing Kim Jong Fatty — the world should be just fine.