मोबाइल की लत (बीमारी) के दुष्प्रभाव : MOBILE ADDICTION :
क्या सावधानियां रखें (Precaution ) ! :
माता पिता को बच्चों के सामने मोबाइल का ज्यादा उपयोग नहीं करना चाहिए !
( Parent ‘s should avoid to use of Mobile )
मोबाइल का उपयोग कम करें !
(Suggest ,Don’t use Smart Device)
कमरे में पर्याप्त रोशनी होना !
(Room light should be Good)
१ फ़ीट की दूरी होना आँख से मोबाइल की !
(Keep distance at least 1 feet from eye)
बच्चों के साथ बातें करें
(Talk to Kids)
बच्चों को घुमाने ले जाएँ !
( Spend Time with Kids)
बच्चों को खिलौने से खेलने दें !
(Suggest to play with Toys)
Digital Gadgets Addiction or Smart phone addiction, known as problematic mobile phone use, is a behavioral addiction thought to be similar to that of an Internet, gambling, shopping, or video game addiction and leads to severe impairment or distress in one's life.
Although cell phones allow individuals to have unlimited access to information and to connect with others in a way otherwise thought impossible, there are many harmful and disturbing effects of smartphone dependence.
In a study conducted by Baylor University, cell phone addiction was linked to:1
Impulsiveness and materialism.
A preoccupation with material objects as opposed to intellectual, Problematic cell phone users can develop a social media addiction as well, which has a number of harmful effects on the user, such as:3
Impaired self-esteem.
Impaired work performance.
Interpersonal conflicts.
Signs and Symptoms of Smartphone Addiction
Some major signs and symptoms of smartphone addiction include:
Failed attempts to cut back on smartphone use.
Loses track of time when using mobile phone.
Uses cell phone in order to deal with unwanted emotions.
Text neck.
Digital eye strain.
Teens and Cell Phone Addiction
teen on her cell phone Teens are extremely vulnerable to developing a cell phone addiction. The human brain isn’t fully developed until about 25 years of age. Adolescents who become dependent on their smartphones could experience negative alterations in brain development.
There is decreased brain connectivity in teens who suffer from a cell phone addiction.5
Problems in the parts of the brain that are responsible for decision-making, impulse-control, and emotional regulation.
Teens with a smartphone addiction are more likely to drink alcohol, use tobacco, and have poor diets.
These teens may experience social isolation due to excessive cell phone use.
If you’re concerned about your teen’s problematic cell phone use, there are many different treatment options available.
How to Help a Loved One with a Smartphone Addiction
If you’ve been upset or frustrated by your loved one’s excessive phone use while in your presence, you are not alone.
Your loved one may suffer from a cell phone addiction or nomophobia, the fear of being without a mobile phone, if he or she exhibits these signs or symptoms:
Appears anxious when phone battery is low.
क्या सावधानियां रखें (Precaution ) ! :
माता पिता को बच्चों के सामने मोबाइल का ज्यादा उपयोग नहीं करना चाहिए !
( Parent ‘s should avoid to use of Mobile )
मोबाइल का उपयोग कम करें !
(Suggest ,Don’t use Smart Device)
कमरे में पर्याप्त रोशनी होना !
(Room light should be Good)
१ फ़ीट की दूरी होना आँख से मोबाइल की !
(Keep distance at least 1 feet from eye)
बच्चों के साथ बातें करें
(Talk to Kids)
बच्चों को घुमाने ले जाएँ !
( Spend Time with Kids)
बच्चों को खिलौने से खेलने दें !
(Suggest to play with Toys)
Digital Gadgets Addiction or Smart phone addiction, known as problematic mobile phone use, is a behavioral addiction thought to be similar to that of an Internet, gambling, shopping, or video game addiction and leads to severe impairment or distress in one's life.
Although cell phones allow individuals to have unlimited access to information and to connect with others in a way otherwise thought impossible, there are many harmful and disturbing effects of smartphone dependence.
In a study conducted by Baylor University, cell phone addiction was linked to:1
Impulsiveness and materialism.
A preoccupation with material objects as opposed to intellectual, Problematic cell phone users can develop a social media addiction as well, which has a number of harmful effects on the user, such as:3
Impaired self-esteem.
Impaired work performance.
Interpersonal conflicts.
Signs and Symptoms of Smartphone Addiction
Some major signs and symptoms of smartphone addiction include:
Failed attempts to cut back on smartphone use.
Loses track of time when using mobile phone.
Uses cell phone in order to deal with unwanted emotions.
Text neck.
Digital eye strain.
Teens and Cell Phone Addiction
teen on her cell phone Teens are extremely vulnerable to developing a cell phone addiction. The human brain isn’t fully developed until about 25 years of age. Adolescents who become dependent on their smartphones could experience negative alterations in brain development.
There is decreased brain connectivity in teens who suffer from a cell phone addiction.5
Problems in the parts of the brain that are responsible for decision-making, impulse-control, and emotional regulation.
Teens with a smartphone addiction are more likely to drink alcohol, use tobacco, and have poor diets.
These teens may experience social isolation due to excessive cell phone use.
If you’re concerned about your teen’s problematic cell phone use, there are many different treatment options available.
How to Help a Loved One with a Smartphone Addiction
If you’ve been upset or frustrated by your loved one’s excessive phone use while in your presence, you are not alone.
Your loved one may suffer from a cell phone addiction or nomophobia, the fear of being without a mobile phone, if he or she exhibits these signs or symptoms:
Appears anxious when phone battery is low.