• 7 years ago
Disneyland. Guests from all over the world have seen the strange set of abandoned tracks winding their way through Tomorrowland. Many young guests and first visitors wonder what they were for, and many others have fond memories of the attrion that once traveled through nearly every ride in tomorrowland. \r
For just shy of 30 years the Disneyland Peoplemover ferried guests through the attrions of tomorrow. Everything from the original TWA Flight to the Moon to the Carousel of Progress to the modern attrions like Space Mountain and Star Tours was connected to the iconic Goodyear-sponsored attrion. \r
As rumors swirl surrounding the upcoming Disney Star Wars s, one thing is for sure; Tomorrowland is slated for big changes in the years ahead. This time we take a look at the history behind the attrion that has left the most telling clues of its existence and the most extensive set of Abandoned tracks of any Disneyland attrion before or sense.\r
Of course, no history can be exhaustive in the few minutes we have, so for more information on the attrion visit one of the links below. \r
A HUGE thanks is owed to David Eppen at Gorillas Dont Blog ( ) for the use of vintage photos from his vast collection, as well as Mike A for footage of the Walt Disney World version, the Tomorrowland Transit Authority Peoplemover. \r
Footage from To The Fair (1964) and other home s from the Prelinger Archive are in the public domain, (Library of Congress Prelinger Archive) and are available at \r
Visit our website at for some more interesting and unusual original content from us and our wacky friends, and connect with us on facebook at \r
More info on the peoplemover:\r
And of course make sure to visit for more fantastic photos from all over Disneyland.\r
Thanks for watching!!


