Moms Gone Strong: Barbell Box Squat

  • 6 years ago
Do you ever do Box Squats?

We LOVE Box Squats as we've found that they are a fantastic teaching tool for many things:

- Teaching someone who is new to squatting how to "sit back into their hips" and not "plie" straight down
- Teaching someone who is very quad dominant to use their hips and glutes to "drive out of the hole" or stand up out of the bottom of the squat
- Teaching someone who squats with a big anterior pelvic tilt how to maintain a neutral spine and brace their core throughout their squat

Box Squats have many other uses as well, but these are just a few of our favorites!

Another great aspect of box squats is that they're generally safe to perform before pregnancy and most of the way through pregnancy, as long as you're paying attention to the load.

Do you Box Squat?
