Trump arrives in Davos to unwelcoming crowd

  • 6 years ago
U.S. President Donald Trump is making his debut at Davos,... during which he's expected to promote his "America First" agenda.
He arrived in Switzerland on Thursday, a day ahead of his speech at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.
Ro Aram reports.
President Trump tweeted before he left for Davos that he was going to tell the world how great America is.
In an interview with CNBC upon his arrival, he also said he ultimately wants the U.S. dollar to be strong, adding that recent remarks made by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, in which he supported a weaker greenback, were misinterpreted.

"I think they were taken out of context, cause I read his exact statement, and I'll tell you where I stand, which ultimately is very important.... Our country is becoming so economically strong again and strong in other ways too, by the way, that the dollar is going to get stronger and stronger and ultimately I want to see a strong dollar."

Although a strong dollar is good for America's economy, a weaker greenback makes U.S. exports more attractive.
Finance officials from other nations criticized Mnuchin's comments as they believe Washington is trying to manipulate its currency to reduce trade deficits as part of Trump's nationalist agenda.
The dollar, however, reversed its losses Thursday after Trump's remarks.
Some world leaders attending the World Economic Forum have already expressed concerns over Trump's protectionist policies and have criticized his eagerness to cut trade ties with several countries, including South Korea.
In a keynote speech, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the recent wave of protectionism was worrisome.

"It is necessary that the big powers of the world have co-operative relations amongst them. It is necessary that the sense of competitiveness among the major nations of the world does not become a wall between them."

Overall there's a sense Trump is not welcome at this year's World Economic Forum due to his negative tone towards global trade and even climate change.
Trump's alleged derogatory remarks towards African nations have also led to many leaders in the continent refusing to meet with him.
Beneath the criticism, though, a faint chorus of appreciation can be heard from the business elite as Trump's economic policies...
....including corporate tax cuts, have helped to pad their wallets.
Ro Aram, Arirang News.