Selena and Justin's Relationship is Different This Time Around

  • 6 years ago
When Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber reunited last November, so many people were ecstatic.

Especially when you consider their roller coaster past.

But it sounds like this time around, things are different.

A source close to the couple says that Justin is behaving like a gentleman and showing Selena how much he cares about her.

And get this… he’s even more open with his feelings, which Selena thinks is a sign of him maturing.

It’s also being reported that the couple has been making more time for one another despite their busy schedules, always texting and FaceTiming to stay in constant contact.

Still no word on where the lovebirds plan to take their relationship but if things keep going well between them we could see them making it a permanent thing.

Sure, they’re still young, but you just never know.


