Attack Near Kabul Military Academy Kills 11 Afghan Soldiers

  • 6 years ago
Attack Near Kabul Military Academy Kills 11 Afghan Soldiers
28, 2018
KABUL, Afghanistan — Militants attacked an army unit near Afghanistan’s main military university early Monday, killing at least 11 Afghan soldiers
and wounding 16 others in what has been an intense period of violence in Kabul, the capital.
Khalid said that Sayid Muhammad Khalid, 37, who lives close to the military universit
"For us there is no difference between Taliban, Haqqani
and ISIS — all of them are terrorist groups." The violence came two days after the Taliban drove an ambulance full of explosives onto a busy Kabul street, killing at least 103 people and injuring more than 200.
Waziri said that These type of attacks are always carried out by the Haqqani network
— I think this attack is also carried out by Haqqani, but ISIS is claiming credit,
Abdul Majid Nayel said that My son is a student here — when I heard about the news at 7 a.m., I came from Parwan Province,
But in those urban attacks, Afghan and Western officials see an overlap between the Islamic State
and the Haqqani network, a brutal arm of the Taliban long behind complex urban operations.
