How can you stop a Nuclear Missile?

  • il y a 6 ans
When I was growing up in England in the 1970s and though the 1980s in particular, there was an almost palpable fear that a nuclear exchange could break out between the superpowers at almost any time. \r
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It caused me and many others around at the time to wonder was there a way to stop a missile attack but to be honest there was very little you could do. If you lived in a big city or near a military base, there was nothing to stop an ICBM or Intercontinental Ballistic missile once it was on its way and with the 4 minute warning we would have in the UK, you might as well have one last game of missile command and hope for a quick end.\r
Roll on 35+ years and although we now live in a time of where the threat from nuclear attack is much less, its still present, even if it may have moved to a different area of the globe.\r
So, with the advancement of technology, can we stop a missile attack now, once its been launched\r
Snippet of SWDennis KSP - Intercontinental Ballistic Missile - ICBM. used to show multiple warheads on re-entry.\r
Music by Paul Shillito\r


