• 7 yıl önce
Top 10 Unfinished Games That Came Out Anyway
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Better late than ...unfinished? These games could have used a few more months of development time it seems. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Unfinished Games That Came Out Anyway!

#10. “Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords” (2004)
#9. “Battlecruiser 3000AD” (1996)
#8. “Sonic the Hedgehog” (2006)
#7. “Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain” (2015)
#6. “Ultima IX Ascension” (1999)
#5. “Ride to Hell Retribution” (2013)
#4. “E.T. the ExtraTerrestrial” (1982)
#3, #2 & #1: ????

Special thanks to our user “Myster Zed” for suggesting this topic using our interactive suggestion tool at

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