• 7 years ago
This ominous tree stands sturdy in Oaklyn NJ, on a small peninsula jutting out from a public park in this quiet suburb. This location is used by teens as a party spot and you can see beer cans and other evidence of partying on the ground near Newton Lake right off of Manor Ave.

Stories range that anywhere between 6-12 people took their own lives by hanging themselves from this tree over the years. It was on a bright and sunny Sunday we went to visit the tree beside the lake. Upon inspection of the tree we noticed the swastika was stripped from the tree and appeared it might have been painted over several times and 2 of the main branches that were used in previous suicides were cut down to "prevent" future attempts. A rope that was used by the last person that hung themselves can still be seen on an upper branch after they cut the person down. This tree is also in close proximity to the notorious location known as Haddon Lake. Rumor also has it that on Manor ave someone committed suicide in one of the houses.

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