Dragnet - The Big Children (1954) crime drama TV series

  • 6 years ago
Dragnet - The Big Children (1954) crime drama TV series Dragnet —later syndicated as Badge 714 — was an American television series, based on the radio series of the same name, both created by their star, Jack Webb. Both shows take their name from the police term "dragnet", meaning a system of coordinated measures for apprehending criminals or suspects.

The show enacts the cases of a dedicated Los Angeles police detective, Sergeant Joe Friday, reprise by Webb; also starring was Ben Alexander as his partner, Officer Frank Smith. (source - wikipedia)

Plot - Sgt. Friday and Smith redoing to the report of 2 small children, going door,-to-door, begging for ford. The catch? The kids are known as resident in a very tony neighbourhood, as living right next door.

Director: Jack Webb
Writer: Jack Webb (creator)
Stars: Jack Webb, Ben Alexander, Billy Chapin
Production Co: Mark VII Ltd.
