Hezbollah vs. Israel: Hasan Nasrallah evokes the Quneitra operation (4)

  • 6 years ago
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's speech on January 30, 2015, commemorating the Quneitra martyrs, and evoking the Hezbollah retaliation against Israel (4/4)
00:00Now to issue the statement
00:15It is our duty here to express my thanks and to salute the freedom fighters of the resistance and their leaders
00:26Who from the very beginning since the assassination took place they were working very precisely
00:32I must salute specifically the heroic freedom fighters who carried out this unique operation right at the heart of the enemy, and I kiss their hands and I kiss their raised foreheads
00:59Now the conclusion and the stance, of course a lot has been said in designations and abstracts and I don’t want to repeat them but I would like to focus on 3 or 4 to get a conclusion.
01:11The Israelis have now discovered in the past few days and there is now controversy in Israel it’s the time of elections, the controversy is heated and it’s normal for it to be heated;
01:25the estimation of the political, military and security leadership was an idiotic estimation.
01:32Even though they present themselves as they are experts and that they have experience not like Olmert and Perez. Those who will soon forget their names or we’ve forgotten them.
01:43However they are the ones who suppose that they are experts and understand, no they went for an idiotic estimation; all their estimations were wrong and all their expectations were wrong.
01:57The Israelis discovered that their leadership put them on the edge of great dangers we could inflict on them, their entity, interests, security, their economy and all that they have;
02:16This is the result of the idiocy this leadership committed and which the assassination led to negative results and it will lead to more negative results.
02:28Secondly the Israeli Army, their security services and all their capabilities are incapable of confronting the will of the resistance and its field performance.
02:39This is an epitome. This is Israel, Israel who we defeated in the year 2000 and who the people of Gaza defeated numerous times, and Israel who we defeated in the year 2006
02:54Israel who we defeated yesterday is weaker than a spider’s web and will be nothing else!
03:08Thirdly, the resistance in Lebanon is in its utmost verdure, readiness, consciousness, professionalism, courage, intellect, presence and so on.
03:22Fourthly, the Takfiri groups, those who are on the borders of occupied Golan are a natural ally of the Israeli enemy and are a new Syrian Lahad army holding the Islamic banner;
03:49This is of the conclusions which must be included.
03:52As for the stance, firstly I would like to affirm because after the al-Mayadeen interview there was a lot of analysis and talk of what was said and how it was said.
04:07I would like to affirm so I don’t repeat myself because I spoke a lot there of the equations and proceedings
04:14On every word which I said on the al-Mayadeen interview with the issue of the resistance and the battle with the Israeli enemy and I do not need to repeat
04:24But I say today after what happened on Sunday in Quneitra and Wednesday in the Shebaa Farms, you tried us, do not try us again; that’s first.
04:37Secondly, and this is the most important message, the most important thing in the hour and a half, sorry not an hour and a half, an hour and 5 minutes up till now
04:49But I revealed my intentions that I was appointing an hour and a half, but I will finish before God willing
04:57If you ask what is the most important thing in all this that you’ve said I will say it is this sentence, the Israeli, the friends and dear ones we will speak with them there is no problem
05:09We value the feelings and the national interests and concerns, and this resistance has proved that it behaves responsibly and wisely, leave this on the side.
05:18However the Israeli must understand let me say it in formal Arabic so they may translate it to Hebrew properly; the Israeli must understand that this resistance is not discouraged
05:34It is wise but not discouraged, there is a difference between wisdom and fear, one is brave and capable however has wisdom.
05:49There is one who is a coward or unable, this has nothing to do with wisdom; this resistance is courageous, capable, wise and is not discouraged.
06:01If the Israeli enemy is making his calculations that the resistance is discouraged and that it fears war
06:16I tell him today in the remembrance of the martyrs of Quneitra and after the Shebaa Farms special operation
06:24Let this enemy know we do not fear war and will not retreat in confronting it and we will confront it if it is imposed on us and we will be victorious God willing!
06:53Do not make a wrong calculation and I think Wednesday is the most important message because the issue isn’t just operation Shebaa Farms
07:03What was before it, what is after it and what is around it, the Israeli reads all this and takes the message I am sending him
07:12I am not speaking psychological warfare or intimidation or anything, I am speaking the truth which we expressed on the field.
07:24Those who love us I say there is a big difference between saying you want a war, we don’t want a war, this is not weak talk, this is intellectual, responsible and emotional talk
07:38This is our people, our country, our villages and our allies, nobody, the resistance in Lebanon or the resistance in Palestine, no one wants a war.
07:51We were obliged to become a resistance always ready militarily because we had a widespread Israeli aggression, there’s a difference.
08:05I don’t want war, no we don’t want war but we are not afraid of war, we must differentiate between the two, the Lebanese must differentiate between the two, even when taking a stance
08:19The Israelis also must understand this very well, we are not afraid of war.
08:24We behave in a wise way we don’t want to go to war, no, I’m not ashamed of this we don’t want to go to war, we are not afraid of war
08:33Let me repeat it again until they can memorize them,
08:36The Israelis and all those who are listening, listen very well, we are the men and the freedom fighters and we are the ones who bring about great victory with God’s help and God’s will
08:54Thirdly, I also hope they listen very well here today after the operation of the martyrs of Quneitra and the response in the Shebaa Farms I want to be clear
09:09We in the Islamic Resistance of Lebanon we are no longer concerned with the rules of engagement, we don’t recognize the engagement,
09:23that’s it, or in fighting the aggressions and we no longer recognize dividing up or separating the battlefields,
09:35It is that clear, and it’s our right, our religious, humanitarian, legal right, even according to international law if anyone wants to discuss with me from the International law perspective
09:52It is our right to confront the aggression whatever be this aggression at any time whatever form of this aggression it’s our right to confront it, at any place at any form whatsoever!
10:13This issue about I struck you here and you struck me there that’s gone, that’s ended, you struck me here I strike you there that’s ended.
10:25Wherever possible at any time possible it is the right of the resistance to respond at any place at any time in any form, anywhere.
10:41Fourthly, we heard the Israelis when they wanted to absorb the Shebaa Farms operation they said okay that’s it, anyway who ever stands behind this attack will pay the price dearly.
11:03Now some people might understand that as political talk but allow me here just to look into the details, I understand, let me tell the Israelis what me and my colleagues, what we understood
11:06Now some people might understand that as political talk but allow me here just to look into the details,
11:13Let me tell the Israelis what me and my colleagues, what we understood that the Israelis are running away from the military confrontation
11:29Are searching for those who are responsible who are the individuals who humiliated Israel on Wednesday in the Shebaa Farms to assassinate them
11:39By an explosive device by a spy or sending a commandos group to Lebanon like they used to and are still doing by the sea or land, this is what we understood.
11:52So based upon this we previously used to separate for example you ask me and I pointed out to this before
12:06You asked me, what’s the difference between the assassination of the Quneitra martyrs and the assassination of Haj Hassan Lakkis
12:14We are talking about the new martyrs, Hajj Emad we speak about him in the other occasion, what’s the difference, this is a clear military operation which doesn’t require any discussion
12:30But on the other hand it is a security operation which is suspicious but I swear to God that the Israelis also assassinated Haj Hassan Lakkis
12:38We used to deal with military action as something which requires a response, we decide the time, place and the form like what happened previously
12:56However when we see a security assassination then are patient and let us be sure my message today from now on when it comes to any one of Hezbollah fighters
13:13Any of Hezbollah’s youth who is killed in such a manner we will hold Israel responsible and consider it our right to respond at any place, any time and any way that we find suitable
13:30War, one day it is for you, one day it is against you, one day your enemy makes achievements, one day you make. I took your time but I wanted to give the topic what it deserves.
13:58This experience of Sunday January 18th till today is a very rich experience; it is not an operation and a counter operation, no
14:09This is not what I said, some commentators said that what took place in the Sehbaa Farms is bigger than a revenge and smaller than a war, that’s right, that’s a correct description.
14:22These past two weeks that we have witnessed during this period, the whole region witnessed something which was bigger than a confrontation and less than a war
14:32it requires being studied and we should also draw lessons from it politically and also militarily, at a moral level, at the same time whereby we stress on the stances I mentioned
14:48At the same time our brothers have also proven that they behave with the appropriate responsibility, the appropriate national responsibility, religious responsibility
14:58And they are not taken by enthusiasm nor are they taken by their feelings despite their responsibility so I don’t need to assure you more.
15:13Anyway, the martyrs they are the ones who open the path for us and they promise us for the decisive victory and with hope
15:23Since 1982 until today, we have always concluded our statements by saying the resistance itself is a response and the martyrs bring about victory,
15:32The martyrs brought about victory and will bring about more victory God willing.
15:39Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.
