G.O.P. Visions of Tectonic Realignment

  • 6 years ago
G.O.P. Visions of Tectonic Realignment
The new laws range from strict photo ID requirements to early voting cutbacks to registration restrictions.”
The statement continued: “Overall, 23 states have new restrictions in effect since then — 13 states have more restrictive voter ID laws in place (and six states have strict photo ID requirements), 11 have laws making it harder for citizens to register, six cut back on early voting days
and hours, and three made it harder to restore voting rights for people with past criminal convictions.”
puts it even more bluntly:
“Since 2008, states across the country have passed measures to make it harder for Americans — particularly black people, the elderly, students
and people with disabilities — to exercise their fundamental right to cast a ballot.
As reported in November: “In the weeks before Donald J. Trump took office, lawyers joining his administration gathered at a law firm near the Capitol, where Donald F. McGahn II, the soon-to-be White House counsel, filled a whiteboard with a secret battle plan to fill the federal appeals courts with young and deeply conservative judges.” The Times said
that Mr. McGahn had been “instructed by Mr. Trump to maximize the opportunity to reshape the judiciary.”
Mother Jones reported in November: “Beyond new Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, Trump has already nominated judges to more than
half the vacancies, putting forward an astonishing 18 names for federal appellate courts and 40 more for the district courts.
But while we are focusing on Trump and what he has wrought, it would behoove us to also focus on the titanic moves by the right to literally realign society for the long haul: stacking the courts with virulent conservatives, suppressing voter access, reducing the inflow of immigrants who might lean Democratic, gerrymandering districts, punishing states
that lean Democratic in presidential elections and returning to a failed drug policy that disproportionately jails black and brown people.
Yes, we should focus on Trump’s misogyny and patriarchy, which continue to manifest in his assemblage of a group of advisers
and confidants who include among them a shockingly high number of men who have been accused of assault — sexual or not — against women.
