Argentinian Navy Rescues Kayaker Who Was Adrift For Two Days


by StoryfulNews


Navy officers rescued a kayaker on Sunday, February 11, who was stranded for two days off the coast of San Clemente del Tuyu in Argentina.

This video was captured by the Argentine Navy. It shows the 29-year-old man being rescued and carried onto a navy boat. In the clip, he is then taken to shore by a lifeboat, where a crowd of people await his arrival.

Posting on Facebook, a navy spokesman said the kayaker became stranded after encountering “adverse conditions”. He said they were alerted to the emergency by the man’s wife.

The man was identified in local media reports as Marcos Tabarcachi. He told officials he had intended to go fishing near the coast when his boat was caught in rough seas, the report said. Credit: Argentine Navy via Storyful