Gun Makers Are Reeling Even as Threat of Regulation Recedes

  • 6 years ago
Gun Makers Are Reeling Even as Threat of Regulation Recedes
background checks on prospective firearms buyers — a rough proxy for sales — surged nearly 50 percent in the month of the
Sandy Hook attack in 2012, compared with the same month a year earlier, as calls rang out for tighter legislation.
Formerly Smith & Wesson
Firearm background checks, often used as a proxy for firearm sales (for which
data is not readily available), fell farther last year than they had before.
Firearm background checks, often used as a proxy for firearm sales (for which
data is not readily available), fell farther last year than they had before.
Firearm background checks, often used as a proxy
for firearm sales (for which data is not readily
available), fell farther last year than they had before.
Firearm background checks
Guns flooded into the American market in the past decade as manufacturing surged during
the Obama administration, creating an inventory glut that now exceeds slowing demand.
Oppenheimer, the large mutual fund company, also owned some of the bonds issued by Remington, but said it sold its debt holdings last year