There is a Fierce battle for the domain on the Internet

  • 6 years ago
There is a fierce battle for the domain on the Internet.
Many people associate the term magnetic man with the british music group or with science fiction movie characters like X-Men , Spider-Man, Magneto and actors in Hollywood.

This term ” magneticman ” described in ancient cultures was about an altered state of Human Consciousness.

This altered state of Consciousness relates to Franz Anton Mesmer who lived 200 years ago.

Since that time, science has made tremendous progress. With today’s scientific advances genetics and Neuroscience research, we can study the phenomena of Human Consciousness as never before.

There are many uneducated opinions about this human consciousness on internet but these sceptics should be ignored.

We are living in a whole new era where science advances have unlocked many mysteries and much more is being learned about human genetic and consciousness.

I am happy and hopeful that the magneticman domain can focus on real accomplishments and not be distracted by largely unqualified detractors.


