What Next After Raila Odinga's Swearing In? Martin Ngatia Explains

  • 6 years ago
Since Raila Odinga was sworn in on 30th January 2018, nothing dramatic has happened within the Movement. Instead, the betrayal of Raila by the troika of traitors - Kalonzo “Watermelon” Musyoka, Moses “Kasuku” Wetangula and Musalia “Karata” Mudavadi, NASA seemS to be experiencing difficult times.

Millions of Nasa supporters are slowly coming to terms with the fact that the three traitors cannot work with Raila after the big betrayal. The consequence of this situation is that NASA may slowly be starving itself of oxygen, a reality which means that NASA supporters may soon have to turn to NRM-K as a new political outfit to move the struggle beyond Raila Odinga’s oath of Office.

On the other hand, Jubilee is in deep crisis, both at the Party and system levels. On the one hand, Uhuru Kenyatta is drunk with power, William Ruto is busy looting the State while Matiangi does not know what to do after being left with a security docket he does not understand. The crisis within the system is so deep that court orders are not being obeyed by top State officials including the Inspector General and the Criminal Investigation Department.

In the confusion, the State has resorted to intimidation and harassment of members of the People’s Republic of Kenya. Passports are being seized for no apparent reason and returned without explanations, Kenyan citizens by birth are being stripped of their citizenships then deported to foreign lands while rebellious Kalenjin members of the Jubilee government questioning the confusion are being arrested and taken to court on trumped up charges.

As the situation moves from bad to worse, Mr. Martin Ngatia, the Chairman of the Kenya Red Alliance (KRA), has chipped in to clarify what needs to be done. Mr. Ngatia’s view is that NASA-NRM should stop acting as if it is the Opposition and start the process of building the People’s Republic of Kenya.

Mr. Ngatia advises Raila Odinga to set up a Cabinet, appoint Attorney General, appoint a Chief Justice and direct NASA zones to stop paying taxes to the Uthamaki Republic in Kiambu. This is a “must watch” video by Mr. Ngatia who questions why Turkana oil contracts signed between Uhuru Kenyatta and Tulo Oil company should no be shredded into pieces. Watch the video and have your say on the comments. Subscribe and spread the word.

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