Toys for Tots ~$10k Shopping Trip!

  • 6 years ago
Dancing to Hotline Bling (As promised for raising $5k+)\r
Hey everyone, I wanted to give everyone an update on the results from Fridays 12 hour fundraiser for Toys for Tots that took place on my twitch channel, In total over the 12 hour stream, we managed to raise about $10,415, with a total of 114 subscribers. \r
As previously mentioned, I pledge to donate $2.50 for every subscriber gained that day (including resubs), which came to a total of $285. \r
As mentioned on the GoFundMe page, 100% of what is gained from the fundraiser, after GoFundMes 5% fee and WePays 2.9% + $.30 per transion fee, will go towards purchasing toys for Toys for Tots. \r
This comes to a total of $9,808.13 for the purpose of purchasing toys. \r
The Results\r
Anne, Adam and I got to Toys R Us around 1:45pm today. Upon arriving I asked to speak to management, which I then explained the stream and our cause. Needless to say, they were happy to hear that wed be going on a near $10,000 shopping spree to donate for the Toys for Tots program. We discussed our situation and they agreed to arrange with the Marines from 1st Bn, 23rd Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division stationed out of Austin, TX for the toy pickup. So we began.\r
In total, it took us nearly 5 long hours to pick out the perfect toys. We chose to try to stay around an average of $20 per toy and ended up with a total of 470 toys, as well as 9 bicycles to donate to the program! \r
The grand total of the purchase was $9,882.32, which exceeded our fundraiser by approximately $75. There were about 5 Toys R Us employees, including two managers, helping us throughout the majority of the trip, of which were very thankful for. \r
We tried to satisfy all requests by donors to purchase specific toys, and off of the top of my head I know we were able to find a whale for B0aty (the only one in the store), a banana for Mr_Mammal, finger skateboards, Pokemon toys, a plush seal, my little pony toys, and many more that were requested by contributors. \r
With all said and done, this was by far the most amazing Christmas event Ive ever been a part of. Im so fortunate to have the following on Twitch that I do, many of which who were kind enough to share their Christmas cheer with hundreds of kids in my neighborhood. \r
I want to take a moment to mention someone who decided to contribute to the fundraiser, whos message moved me and really made me realize the difference well be able to make. \r
Over the last few hours of the stream, Michael donated $25 and left this message:\r
As a kid, I was given gifts from this charity. Now with a decent job. I want to say thank you. Youre making the world to these kids, by giving them a Christmas. Thank you for everything.\r
It was very moving during the stream to have someone who had personal experiences with Toys for Tots when he was younger do his part in passing that joy on to another child. This alone truly made the entire event extremely enjoyable for me. \r
Thank you all so much for your support during this fundraiser. It truly went far past what I imagined it would, and as always, the generosity exhibited by the Runescape and Twitch communities never cease to amaze me. Ill follow this tweet with pictures of the three receipts (Toys R Us could only process 200 items per transion), which are near 8 feet long, each! Also, either tomorrow or Wednesday I should have the video edited and uploaded to my YouTube channel (


