Solving the 7 Mysteries from Bethany G | RainyDayDreamers CC

  • 6 years ago
What are the mysterious Canadian gifts that Bethany G sent to us earlier this week? We open them up today and find out! Watch Bethanys video opening the mystery presents we sent her:\r
And if you didnt see our videos from earlier in the week when we opened up the box, read the clues and made our first guesses you can see those videos here- \r
Us- \r
Bethany- \r
Want to send us an egg for our Wall of Eggs for Easter? Take a picture of your egg and post it on Instagram and tag us.\r
Want to know more about us? How to cont us? Our Social Media?- \r
Can you really win at Beanboozled? Watch and see-\r
And rainy or not- have some fun today!