TNT For The Brain Series Pt2-"Why Christianity IS Mystery Babylon"

  • 6 years ago
Hidden in plain sight! Merely taking the definitions of words God has placed in His Book reveals the truth most will reject because they are part of the problem exposed in this short expose' of popular Christian culture icons and leaders. Christianity IS the mystery confusion typified in the literal historic city opf Babylon built by Nimrod, the archetype "antichrist". Most of Christianity and her devotees are going to Hellfire because they love the lies of the Billy Grahams, etc. and love their false christ whom they think is going to take them to HEaven after they die in their sins which they never stopped committing, thanks in part to demons like Billy Graham, etc.
See also "Eulogy To Billy Graham" and "Baphomet Billy" on this channel, if you dare see and hear the truth!
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