• 7 years ago
A good clean bike performs better, looks better, and moves faster. \r
Ok, that last part may not be true. But keeping your bike clean is an important part of your post ride routine. A good bike washing will clean a mountain bike of all of the dirt your bike got on it during your last ride. Thorough mountain bike cleaning helps your bike and its parts last longer.\r
If your wondering how to clean a mountain bike, its very simple and only takes about 10 minutes to do a good thorough job. Using the outdoor garden hose and a few easily acquired tools from a local store.\r
To get a really clean mountain bike use a degreaser like Simple Green which you can find at any home improvement store or department store like WalMart. You will also need a couple of rags, plus a soft and steel bristled brush which you can find in automotive sections and finally some bike lube.\r
Texas Mountain Biking - \r
To wash your bike there are several items you will need that I outlined at the beginning of this video. All of the items needed can be purchased from your local hardware store or Wal-Mart for roughly $15-20. \r
Texas Mountain Bike Trails helps new mountain bikers learn tips and find trails in Texas. Stop by and say hi, there is lots of information to learn. \r
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