S. Korean official says Trump will meet with Kim Jong-un by May

  • 6 years ago
South Korea's National Security Director in Washington to discuss the outcome of his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un made a rare podium announcement at the White House following his meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump.
Breaking news out of Washington: let's go live to our chief Blue House correspondent Moon Connyoung. Connyoung.

One startling news after another from South Korea's presidential envoys who traveled to the North earlier this week to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
They flew to Washington hinting more surprise was ahead... and we're learning - surprise indeed. South Korea's National Security Director Chung Eui-yong delivered North Korean leader Kim's eagerness to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump on denuclearization... President Trump apparently accepted... even giving a timeline.
U.S. President Donald Trump told South Korea's Chung that he will meet with North Korea's Kim Jong-un by May to achieve permanent denuclearization.
Now remember, that's not a whole lot of time. The next few weeks will be a pretty dramatic one as the first summit between the leaders of South and North Korea in over a decade is scheduled for late April.
So, we're assuming a Kim, Trump meeting to immediately follow that.

It is a dramatic turn in events. Did we see this coming at all?

Well, President Trump apparently stopped by the White House press room - mind you, his first time EVER - to give the reporters a heads up saying the South Korean delegation there to meet him will make a "major announcement" concerning North Korea at 7 pm, eastern... that's 9 a.m. here in Korea.
The actual announcement came around 20-25 minutes after the hour - so just moments ago, really.
South Korea's presidential Blue House is devising a statement of its own on the latest development... we're expecting the White House to also release an official stance... so we'll have more details and updates for you in our later newscast, Mark.