• 6 years ago
Looking back through our design history, the starting point for "Mazda elegance" is perhaps represented by the 1960 Mazda R360 and the 1969 Mazda Luce rotary coupe. In an age preoccupied with the notion of efficiency, the focus of these models was on creating beautiful proportions. Though the playful allure of these cars ran counter to the general trends of this period, this style was ultimately to become the origins of the "Mazda elegance" of today.
The Mazda Vision Coupe is a next-generation design vision model which showcases the "new elegance" that we have developed, drawing upon Mazda's long history of design. The name of the car-"COUPE"-gives a hint of where this special "Mazda elegance" originally came from. In this model, we have sought to create a beauty that's special to cars-with a cabin further to the back and forming a single smooth line, based on the "golden ratio" of classic coupe proportions. The silhouette creates the feel of a high-performance machine, with a hint of powerful forward momentum.
In creating the form of the body, the focus has been on stripping away everything that is unnecessary. The sense of rhythm and movement displayed by Mazda cars in recent years has been transformed into a simple three-dimensional shape that aims to embody a "less is more" aesthetic.
From the Mazda badge on the front to the badge on the back, a single powerful axis runs right through the car, evoking the look and feel of supple steel, with all the car's movements centering on this central vector. The result is a form that is extraordinarily simple yet full of a sense of latent speed: the "one motion form" that is the outstanding feature of this model. Having created a four-door coupe as our basic framework, we have invested tremendous time and care on the bodywork, especially the play of light across its surface...
