• 7 years ago
Justice League rescues Batman from jail and fight Lex Luthor with Cyborg Saw Vehicle with the Joker Bike, by ToysReviewToys. Batman is in jail at the Hall of Doom. The Justice League has Superman save him. Cyborg brings his Saw Vehicle and fights the Joker Motorcycle. The Justice League finally free Batman from jail. This video is made by the ToysReviewToys channel in collaboration with the DisneyCarToys channel.\r
Below are the videos in the end screen:\r
Justice League Superman and Batman Saved by Spiderman Mech\r
Batman and Spiderman Fight Giant Crabs with a 6-Wheeler and Mech\r
Batman ATV and Robin with Spiderman Fight Two-Face SUV\r
Superhero Spiderman Alien Steals Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine\r
Watch more of my Superhero videos:\r
Superhero Batman Fights the Power Rangers Green Dragonzord\r
Batman Thinks of Superpowers and Fights Joker Tank and Flash\r
Justice League Superman and Batman Audition the Sea Captain \r
Batman and Spiderman in Real Life Fight Toys in Wrestling Ring\r
Superhero Avengers a with Ozobot Evo Robots Fight Ultron \r
Batman Batcave with the Mr Freeze Plane in the Arctic\r
Avengers and Justice League Superheroes Fight Star Wars Fighters\r
Superheroes in Justice League Watch PJ Masks Back in Time Parody\r
Subscribe to my channel ToysReviewToys, and my wifes channel, DisneyCarToys. We review toys and make toy adventures!\r
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Watch my Superheroes playlist:\r
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