10 Creepiest Places In Ireland

  • 6 years ago
From the infamous and creepy Leap Castle, to the mysterious abandoned Montpelier Hill, here are 10 Creepiest Places In Ireland.\r
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6 - Leap Castle\r
This ancient castle is a perfect setting for a gothic novel, inside the hallowed walls are the Bloody Chapel, where a priest was brutally murdered atop the altar and seances were rumoured to have been held in the 16th and 17th centuries here regularly. There is also a dark tale of spirit which resides inside the brick walls, a spirit of nature known as the Elemental. Some believe the elemental was placed here by ancient Druids to protect the sacred grounds. Inside the Oubliette bones of over 150 bodies were found, many believe disturbing their rest may have provoked the elemental into making itself known. The elemental is said to only show itself if provoked, this castle may be a creepy place in Ireland you may wish to skip on your visit. \r
5 - The Bloody Hollow\r
Its called the Aughrim battlefield, but it is really a vast cemetery still haunted by the screams and tortured souls of the Jacobite army. Soldiers fell in the thousands, bodies were mutilated, flesh severed, skin pierced, heads severed, immortalised in Thomas Moores poem Forget Not the Field, this hillside once ran red from pools of blood. The thick oozing streams of crimson liquid covered the grass as the bodies of the soldiers lay decomposing for more than a year before finally being laid properly to rest. The flood of blood gathered in large pools, giving the battlefield the nickname it is now synonymous with, The Bloody Hollow. \r
4 - Victorias Way\r
The right way is the untrodden, it becomes the wrong way when you step on it. This sculpture garden is designed to change your life, its a special kind of Irish pilgrimage, a journey into your own mind. Privately owned by German-born Victor Langheld this 22-acre park is best known for its unique and disturbing pieces of artwork which are cast in black granite and greened bronze. Designed for adults who are in need of self-reflection, it has been described as an intense exploration of self, a contemplative space for the wanderer who has found themselves at a crossroads. The 14 pieces took 20 years to complete and are based on Victors personal journey of spiritual growth through Asia, the statues are said to represent the spiritual progression to enlightenment. If you find yourself questioning your current path in life this extreme spiritual adventure park may be for you. \r
3 - Kilmainham Gaol \r
This Dublin jail has seen some of the worst tragedies in Irish history. During the 1916 Easter Risings, many famed Irish leaders were executed by angered British soldiers inside these walls. Opening in 1796 and closing in 1910 this prison has bore witness to approximately 180 hangings as well as 18 men killed by a firing squad. There was no segregation, men, women and children were smashed together sometimes 5 or more pushing against the cell walls with only one single candle for heat. Many prisoners died from malnutrition, starvation or hypothermia and rumours persist that these weary forsaken souls still reside inside, refusing to leave the place which was their prison in life as well as death. \r
2 - The Abbey of the Black Hag\r
Hidden away in the South East are the eerie remains of a medieval convent where the prioress, a FitzGeralds woman rumoured to have been a witch, terrified the locals with her alleged use of black magic and deviant ual prices. The sacristy where her remains are buried is called the Black Hags Cell and her black stained face is said to still haunt those dark damp surroundings. Another tale whispers of the Countess of Desmond who was buried alive inside the Abbey, her makeshift grave show finger bones claw marks etched into the side of the coffin. Today, her haunting screams still echo inside the ravaged ruins. \r
1 - Montpelier Hill \r
This mysteriously abandoned home was once a meeting place for the notorious Hellfire club. During the lodges construction, workers stumbled upon an ancient grave called a cairn, but built on top of it, re-using the stones for the walls of the lodge, perhaps this is one of the reasons the spot is known to be one of the most haunted sites in all of Ireland. The Hellfire club has rumours of orgies, black masses, devil worship and murder, all of which are said to have taken place on this eerie hill. The smell of brimstone, jewelry breaking into bits as if by dark magic and invisible hands grasping at throats are just a few of the paranormal encounters locals tell about this historically haunted house.


