Dragon Nest Korea : Inquisitor Awakening Lv. 93 Gameplay. Judgement Spear and Lightning Storm.

  • 6 years ago
Dragon Nest Korea : Inquisitor Awakening Lv. 93 Gameplay. Showcasing Judgement Spear, Lightning Storm, Awakening Consecration, Lightning Bolt, Avenging Wave, and Detonate. Best watched in HD [1080p/60FPS].\r
Skill Notes:\r
- Inquisitor is able to deal enemies more easily , can make better combat atmosphere with skill interions.\r
Inquisitor had to check on oneself condtion, nearby atmosphere to play smoothly. With this update Class Master 2 was changed to Mind Breaker, minimizing precedent cycle, able to electrocute target more easily. Also, player can enjoy more by using Judgement Spear and Electric Detonation skill interions in a more effective, entertaining way.\r
- Judgement Spear (Active)\r
Light elemental.\r
After running awhile, hurl a Judgement Spear to the front, which flies rapidly and deals \r
heavy damage to the target and enemies around it. The spear inflicts Electrocution and \r
leave behind a [Judgement Spear: Afterimage].\r
The CD of the skill can be stored/charged up to 1 time.\r
Each hit has 20% chance to induce Electrocution status for 5 sec.\r
[Judgement Spear: Afterimage] will respond to Detonate and deal additional damage to the \r
target and surrounding enemies; duration 15 sec (can be refreshed)\r
Damage: 1531% (PVP 294%)\r
Additional damage 100%\r
CD 15 sec (PVP 30 sec)\r
- Lightning Storm (Active)\r
Light elemental.\r
Shoot lightning into the sky and summon a thunder cloud to deal damage to enemies and inflict Electrocution status. The skill can be cancelled during casting by dashing or other skills; the thunder cloud is still remained on the field but the hit count is drastically reduced.\r
30% chance to inflict electrocution status on target for 10 sec.\r
Each hit damage: 1109% (PVP 265%)\r
CD: 32 sec (PVP 45 sec)\r
- [Awakening Passive] Lightning Bolt\r
Increase 50% damage. Increase CD charge of Judgment Spear when it hits.\r
- [Awakening Passive] Detonate\r
Remove the lightning spreading from caster. 50% chance to enhance Detonate. The skill deals damage even to targets without Electrocution status at a certain % chance.\r
[Detonate: Enhanced] – does not share CD with Detonate. Deal additional 50% damage to targets with Electrocution status.\r
- [Awakening Passive] Avenging Wave\r
Damage increase, CD reduce. Aside from ivating when you are being attacked, this skill can also be ivated when casting Judgement Spear or Lightning Storm. It can also be ivated by pressing Jump during the 2nd hit of normal attack.\r
Damage increase 100%.\r
CD reduce by 5 sec\r
100% chance to inflict Electrocution status on target; duration 15 sec.\r
- [Awakening Passive] Consecration\r
The caster gains additional 15% light elemental attack within the AoE.\r
Skill Balance \r
- Cleric\r
Shield Blow: max level is changed 27 to 19\r
Lightning strike: max level is changed 27 to 19\r
Divine Combo: max level is changed 27 to 19\r
Charge Bolt: max level is changed 26 to 18\r
Holy Bolt: max level is changed 25 to 17\r
- Priest\r
Wand Mastery: SP required to learn it is changed to 5SP\r
Lightning Relic: 49% to 156% (PvE)\r
Blessing of Light: skill location in skill tree and prerequisite to learn it are changed\r
Mind Breaker: skill location in skill tree and prerequisite to learn it are changed\r
Chain Lightning: prerequisite to learn it is changed\r
Healing Relic: AoE is changed to 7m\r
Avenging Wave\r
– max level is changed.\r
– CD is changed to 15 sec (PvE)\r
– 190% to 367% (PvE) 132% to 162 %(PvP)\r
Cure Relic: SP required to learn it is changed to 10 SP\r
Holy Burst: skill visual effect is changed.\r
- Inquisitor\r
Shock Transition: add effect – if there are no nearby target to transfer to, the original target is hit twice\r
Class Mastery I: add effect – INT +50% (+15% PvP)\r
Class Mastery II\r
– skill effect change\r
– Gain 10% light elemental attack increase for 10 sec after casting Mind Breaker\r
- Magic attack +5% (PvP)\r
Consecration EX: add effect – increase the caster movement speed by 30% within the AoE\r
Source: Lejac11\r
Source: Chaose5\r
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Dragon Nest SEA\r
Desmond Productions\r
