Best Gear To Survive The Wilderness

  • hace 6 años
Do you have what it takes to survive in the wilderness? We gathered a list of the BEST gear you need to survive out there!\r
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7. Waterproof Matches\r
Matches were invented in the 16th century but it still remains to be an important instrument of starting a fire. But lets say a huge storm comes out of nowhere and renders your matches useless! What will you do then? Thats what makes waterproof matches important and quite expensive but there are ways you can make them yourself at home. Some sources claim you can use something like nail polish to dip ordinary matches which will then make them waterproof. Other methods include dipping your match heads into candle wax with will protect flammable tip.\r
6. Waterproof Hiking Bag\r
First and foremost, waterproof hiking bags provide you with the obvious luxury of keeping the things inside of it dry, so you wont have to freak out everytime it starts to rain! The last thing a hiker wants is having of all their clothes, not just the ones theyre wearing, dripping wet before they go on a hike. Not only are these bags waterproof, but the material and the stitching on them is normally of much higher quality that you would normally see with non water proof bags. The bag is held together from welded seams and not hand stitching which can easily fall apart. Welded seams can also store much more equipment. Despite this being a great idea, finding waterproof bags of larger sizes might proves to be difficult but well worth the search. Theyre certainly out there though, you just need to look carefully!\r
5. Swedish Firesteel\r
Ok so youve used all your fireproof matches, all your lighter fuel is spent, and you cant seem to find any other way to start a fire. You need to cook some food quick but you dont want to resort to eating raw meat just yet. What do you do now! Luckily, theres an invention called Swedish Army Firesteel thatll will help you survive the wilderness, keep you from being a savage and allow you to start a fire. This instrument, instantly creates a spark that measures at 3000 degrees celsius. Just one of these will last up to 12,000 sparks so it almost seems like a crime not to have one in your survival kit. Companies that advertise about 3000 strikes normally are more efficient in starting a big fire with just one strike. Find something thatll catch on fire quickly like a cotton ball and vaseline and use the striker to hit the firesteel. Before you know it, you got yourself a pretty good fire. \r
4. Multitool Axe\r
Buying yourself a multitool axe like this one, will really make your life much easier. Campers are big fans of multitools because everything you need can all be on one tool! A man named Glen Klecker came up with this innovative design in which he calls, the Klax. After testing many different designs for this multi tool and perfecting his product, he came up with this as a final result. Built into the head of an already useful ax, has 9 other different features, including a bottle opener, hammer, a scraper, ruler, and 5 wrench sizes. This kind of tool will appeal to many different survivalists. The ax head weighs about a pound and is designed to fix on to a variety of handles\r
3. Global Sun Oven\r
Dont you wish you could just bring an oven with you all the time and not have to worry about starting a fire all the time? Even if its snowing outside, this product can still be put to use. This solar powered oven uses to heat from the sun to create enough energy to cook at 400 degrees fahrenheit! \r
2. Collapsible Water Bottle\r
Bringing a water bottle is an important part of hiking and staying hydrated is crucial while hiking in extreme conditions. The only problem that a water bottle poses however, is that it can take up quite a bit of much needed space in your bag. This is why having something like a Hydrapak collapsible water bottle would be a good choice while youre trying to survive the wilderness. While plastic water bottles can do the same thing, they arent quite as durable and can easily be punctured. These can fold up and take up an incredibly small amount of space when water isnt being stored. Its so small, you can even keep it in your pocket. \r
1. The Lifestraw\r
When youre out of water all together, you will certainly be happy to bring out the lifestraw. This gadget allows you to safely drink from puddles or streams without any of the worries that it might be contaminated. While it doesnt work on saltwater, any kind of fresh water will do. Some people claim that its rather difficult to drink from and takes quite a bit of force to drink from, they do claim that its like drinking bottle water, no matter how dirty it was originally. This could really be a lifesaver. I


