14 SCARIEST Plants that Will Kill You

  • 6 лет назад
Forget the Biggest, these are the Scariest, Strangest, and most bizarre plants out there.\r
Hemlock, also known as Poison Hemlock, is one of the most notorious poisonous plants in history. 6 to 8 leaves, or an even smaller proportion of its highly toxic seeds and roots, can cause death. It was used in ancient Greece for executions, as it is full of a toxin called coniine. Coniine disrupts your bodys muscular functions, causing something called “ascending muscular paralysis”. Coniins poison causes paralysis in your legs and slowly rises up your body until it freezes up your lungs and suffocates you. It is infamous for causing the death of Socrates when he consumed a drink mixed with the Hemlocks poison. \r
The name Nightshade is very appropriate for a plant whose berries are extremely toxic. The nightshade has a long, vibrant history of use. The berries and leaves of nightshades are where the toxins lay, and have been known to cause numbness, motion sickness, general weakness, hallucinations, and delirium. Enough poisoning from a nightshade could cause death if untreated. Before the middle ages, it was also used as a surgical anesthetic. You would be surprised how many foods we eat are ually the product of poisonous nightshades. The list includes eggplants, potatoes, tomatoes, and chili peppers. \r
The Angels Trumpet is an ornamental plant, almost all parts of the angels trumpet can be poisonous. They get their name from their long, fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers but its name is a little creepy when you know that ingesting part of the flower can result in paralysis, confusion, diarrhea, headaches, hallucinations, and even death. If youre considering ingesting some Angel Trumpet seeds for the hallucinogenic effects, you should know that people have already tried that and described the hallucinations as mostly unpleasant rather than pleasurable, and can make you come down with temporary insanity, if it doesnt kill you. \r
It may look like a harmless, pretty looking wildflower, but the Death Camas, as its name implies, is highly toxic. Every part of the flower is toxic, the stems, leaves, flowers, and even the bulbs contain a poisonous alkaloid called zygadenine. Consuming the plant equal to as little as 2% of an animals body weight would be fatal. However, surviving a Death Camas poisoning would have one go through vomiting, drooling, decreased blood pressure, diarrhea, general feelings of weakness, and possibly even a seizure or a coma. \r
Oleander is one of the most dangerous plants on this list, despite its unassuming, pleasant appearance. Its a very popular decorative shrub, youve probably seen these plants in schools, parks, spas. Its a beautiful plant but ingesting its leaves, flowers, or fruits will release chemicals called cardiac glycosides into your body. This chemical in small, precise doses can be therapeutic, but if the dosage is wrong in any way it can put you into cardiac arrest. \r
Aconitum is one of humans oldest friends when it comes to poisoning animals and each other. Its also known as Monkshood or Wolfsbane. Several plants of the Aconitum genus have been used in creating poison for generations, through hunting and warfare, some of our ancestors would use weapons prepared with this poison to hunt bears. In humans, ingestion or cont with Monkshood poison can be fatal as the plants are full of aconitine neurotoxins and cardiotoxins which both lead to severe gastrointestinal issues, like nausea and vomiting, as well as motor impairment, headaches, convulsions, frothing at the mouth, and at its worst heart and lung paralysis. \r
White snakeroot is full of toxins so poisonous that it is said drinking the milk or eating the meat from a cow that has ingested the plant can cause severe sickness or even death. This toxin is known as tremetol, which in humans causes shaking, vomiting, other serious intestinal issues, delirium, coma, and death. In the early 19th century, tremetol or white snakeroot poisoning was known as Milk Sickness because many people were poisoned when they drank the milk of cows grazing on the root.


