Japanese Technique of Facial Massage! Massage facial at home yourself! Face massage and neck is extremely important procedure to prevent premature wrinkles and achieve glowing skin of a face. #FacialMassageTechnique \r
Proper facial massage improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, which helps relieve swelling, tissue oxygen saturation, improve their nutrition that making the skin of face is fresh and glowing. There are different types of facial massage, and each performs its specific function and aims to address any problems. One of the most effective types of face massage to have a glowing skin is Japanese technique of #FacialMassage and I want to show you in more detail. And you also can do it easily -- #FaceMassage at home. Youll forget about premature wrinkles and will enjoy a glowing skin of your face.\r
Lymphatic drainage massage (contraindications): \r
• Thrombophlebitis, thrombosis \r
• Cardiovascular diseases\r
• Skin diseases, purulent inflammation \r
• Herpes in the ive stage \r
• Lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy \r
• Burns and other damage to the skin \r
• Cancer \r
• Pregnancy and lation \r
If you do not have it all, then will not be negative effects. I would \r
advise that one time a day would be enough. \r
I wish you health and beauty!\r
- Facial Massage Techniques
Proper facial massage improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, which helps relieve swelling, tissue oxygen saturation, improve their nutrition that making the skin of face is fresh and glowing. There are different types of facial massage, and each performs its specific function and aims to address any problems. One of the most effective types of face massage to have a glowing skin is Japanese technique of #FacialMassage and I want to show you in more detail. And you also can do it easily -- #FaceMassage at home. Youll forget about premature wrinkles and will enjoy a glowing skin of your face.\r
Lymphatic drainage massage (contraindications): \r
• Thrombophlebitis, thrombosis \r
• Cardiovascular diseases\r
• Skin diseases, purulent inflammation \r
• Herpes in the ive stage \r
• Lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy \r
• Burns and other damage to the skin \r
• Cancer \r
• Pregnancy and lation \r
If you do not have it all, then will not be negative effects. I would \r
advise that one time a day would be enough. \r
I wish you health and beauty!\r
- Facial Massage Techniques