15 Newest Archaeological Discoveries

  • 6 years ago
From the history changing findings of cancer on ancient people to ually discovering a medieval castle buried underneath a prison!\r
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# 8 Lost Leaders of Jamestown\r
The lost remains of what could have been part of the original founders of the first permanent English settlement in America have been found. The remains of what we think are four men: an explorer, a nobleman, a soldier, and a chaplain were found buried near the historic Jamestown church - the same church where Pocahontas married John Rolfe. These discoveries shed light onto the early beginnings of our countrys history and the oldest settlement in our country.\r
# 7 Bobcat Buried Like Person\r
The remains of a bobcat were found in a mound that overlooks the Illinois River about 49 miles of North of St. Louis. After death, the bobcat seems to have been given the burial fit for a king - or at least fit for the average human. About 2000 years ago, in the area we now recognize as Illinois, a group of Native Americans buried the bobcat in a funeral mound wearing a necklace of bear teeth and marine shells. This find shows how integral animals have been to human life for centuries. 2000 years ago seems like a really long time ago, but things may not have changed much at all. \r
# 6 Medieval Castle Unearthed Beneath Prison\r
The remnants of a medieval castle hidden beneath a mens prison in Gloucester, England which shows us details of regal architecture that we did not previously know. This prison yard relic includes a 12th-century castle tower, well-preserved pottery shards, and even a set of dice. Historians believed this particular castle had been demolished in 1791, so to find the remnants of it beneath the castle was both a major score and a surprise.\r
# 5 Ancient Cancer\r
Cancer is a huge concern in the modern age, but for the longest time, we had no archaeological records of people with cancer, until recently. Scientists discovered evidence of metastatic cancer in a 3,000-year-old skeleton in a Sudanese tomb. This suggests that cancer existed far into the past before the onset of any modern technologies and lifestyles. This find will help us understand the sources of cancer and disease in Ancient people and how that might apply to our lives today. \r
# 4 Sliced Bacon\r
In new, Wes Archeology found remnants from World War II that seem to be objects from an apocalyptic alternate universe. The British Military has used the Salisbury Plain as a military training ground since the early 20th century, but the US also used it in the preparation of the 1944 invasion of Nazi-occupied France. The military has been using the Plain for decades, so developers have not had the chance to plow up or use the land. This meant the remnants of certain parts of the older military can be found on the plains - such as these old cans of sliced bacon. \r
# 3 1100 Year Old Bolivian Bones\r
In August of 2016, Bolivian archaeologists announced the discovery of the bones of a woman more than a millennium old close to the present borders of Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil. The remains of the woman were arranged in a fetal position and covered by a 4 foot long mosaic under the ground. The woman was surrounded by several other artifs, including pots, lapis stones, and other objects that suggest the area was a vibrant trading ground for indigenous people of different ethnic groups. \r
# 2 Rare Unlooted Roman Grave\r
Excavators were exploring a small stone shaft in a rocky area in southern Greece when they stumbled upon the tomb of an ancient warrior, a tomb that held clues to a civilization from 3,500 years ago. Inside they found the well-preserved skeleton of a man in his early thirties and more than 1,400 objects including gold rings, silver cups, a bronze sword, but surprisingly; there were also things traditionally buried with women like delicate ivory combs, necklaces, and a mirror. To find an undisturbed complete burial like this is exceedingly rare.\r
# 1 Sunken Spanish Treasures\r
An early 18th-century Spanish ship that could contain more than a billion dollars of treasure and gold has sparked a debate and legal feud over who can lay claim to the horde. The Colombian government announced in early December new that they had found the San Jose, possibly the most valuable shipwreck ever. Inside and around the ships are gold coins and gold bars, so its almost inevitable that people are fighting over it. The horde is currently in legal limbo as people argue over who deserves this juicy treasure trove.


