Welcome to Sweden

  • 6 years ago
What is life like in Sweden? The politicians are participating in a chicken race of “goodness” where everybody tries to one-up each other in caring for the citizens of OTHER countries. While swedish retirees, young students, handicapped and other vulnerable categories of people are thoroughly ignored.\r
List of sources: \r
Playlist for all my english videos: \r
Lets clarify a few things. \r
1. No, there is no irony in an immigrant wanting to decrease immigration. Last year Sweden took in 120000 immigrants, the year before 100000. Your countries arent taking in as much so how can you whine about me uttering common sense and saying that we should take in maybe 5000-10000 a year instead of 120000 with our housing shortage? When me and my family came here in the 90s there wasnt a housing shortage and Balkan people were easier to integrate too, so obviously immigration wasnt as big of a problem back then. \r
2. I dont hate blacks, arabs and jews. No idea why some of the comments are like that. I am not against immigration as a phenomenon. Im against the particularly irresponsible way Sweden is doing it. Of course Im not saying that every country should close its borders. Im just asking that other countries take more responsibility with asylum seekers so that we in Sweden dont have to take as much. Its killing us. Our politicians are too scared to assimilate immigrants properly and its causing problems for both the ethnic population and us living in Sweden who have come here over the past years. \r
3. Of course influences from foreign cultures can be positive. Foreign influences have helped make Swedish culture awesome, by introducing great food and music, to only mention a few examples. But thats not what multiculturalism is. Its not about cultures merely borrowing influences from each other. Multiculturalism is the backwards idea that if we want pizza and falafel we also need to have separate bathhouses for men and women out of respect for radical islam. \r
Multiculturalism is when a country adapts entirely to the immigrants, and not the other way around. I gave an example of this later on in the video with the greeting quarrel where the radical muslim refused to shake hands with a woman. Thats not acceptable. This is a secular country, adapt to that. \r
Here in Sweden cultural relativism is the norm. Suggesting that some cultures are more civilized and evolved than others is considered to be racism. Which is nonsense, since a culture isnt a person. A culture is a set of ideas in the shape of norms, values and traditions. You cant be racist towards ideas. Prefering one culture over the other only means that you have a personal taste, not that you hate people because of their skin colour. \r
Obviously, I dont mind immigrants who come to Sweden and respect western values such as equality and human rights for women + homouals. I do however mind immigrants who refuse to shake hands with women, beat their children, force their daughters to wear veils and demand respect for their religious medieval bullshit ideas about the world. Any sound atheist would.\r
Welcome to Sweden


